• Leadership versus management

• Leadership behaviour theory including personal leadership traits, trait theories (e.g. Allport. Eysenck Cattell), ‘great man’ theory of leadership, contingency theories (e.g. Fiedler, cognitive resource theory), situational theories (e.g. Hersey and Blanchard, Vroom and Yetton), behavioural

theories (e.g. role theory, managerial grid/leadership grid), participative theories (e.g. Lewin/Likert, transformational v transactional leadership, emotional intelligence).

• Working relationships and interaction e.g. power, behavioural theories, social constructivism

This course is about the issues and interpersonal challenges, that arises between people and it also presents some Management and leadership theories and models that can also be used as tools to meet those challenges providing a management platform with methods and tools the leader can employ in his daily work, including to get aware of the Competencies & culture surrounding him and how to manage and develop through the use of various communication tools.